by Tyler Homan
February 27 - March 22, 2020
As a new initiative, we will be using the digital monitor in front of the Hatch Art Gallery to showcase digital and video-based work by UBC students and alum.
DEVIANT looks at what it means to be a gay male post AIDS epidemic, and the effect the heteronormative gaze has on our sense of selves. Playing on the idea that the LGBTQ2+ community is an abject of our current heteronormative society, DEVIANT depicts grotesque alterations of body parts manipulated by a scanner to show the effect that adapting to the gaze has on the mental/physical health of gay men.
TYLER HOMAN is an emerging artist currently based in Calgary, AB. His art practice takes a critical eye to what an image is examining what it means to create an image, and how these images have the potential to affect our present and our future. Tyler’s practice looks at themes ranging from masculinity, and the heteronormative gaze, to how materials, objects and images are used in our digitally dependant society. He holds a BFA from UBC (2019).
Video loop (2:30 mins)