Sampriti Manna
Sampriti Manna is a visual artist working from the unceded, ancestral, and traditional land of the Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh, and Squamish Nations. Manna is intrigued with the way technological mediation affects meaning. Utilizing compelling acts of storytelling, Manna conveys raw emotion with quiet evocative works.

Look Out, 2020
video, 00:01:00
Inspired by Baudrillard’s concept of the simulacrum, Look Out is a dissection of the invisible gaze - what is perceived and overlooked. In Look Out, the subject feels compelled to ensure her safety and looks side to side in order to assess the situation that surrounds her. She interprets the data and allows herself to cross the street. This work further questions the unnecessary self-policing normalized by contemporary society to ensure ‘safety’ structures remain intact.